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Investor Insights Blog|What is the Roth IRA 5-Year Rule, or Seasoning Period?

Roth IRA

What is the Roth IRA 5-Year Rule, or Seasoning Period?

roth ira 5 year rule

If you’re considering a Roth IRA for your retirement savings, you might have come across the term “Roth IRA five-year rule.” Understanding this rule is essential as it impacts when you can withdraw your earnings tax- and penalty-free.

How does the Roth IRA 5-Year Rule work?

The Roth IRA five-year rule states that you must wait five years from your first contribution before you can withdraw earnings tax- and penalty-free, provided you are also 59½ years old or meet other qualifying criteria. The five-year period begins on January 1 of the year you make your first Roth IRA contribution.

What are qualified vs. non-qualified distributions?

Understanding the difference between qualified and non-qualified distributions is crucial for maximizing the benefits of your Roth IRA while avoiding unnecessary taxes and penalties

Qualified distributions

A qualified distribution is tax- and penalty-free and occurs when you have had a Roth IRA for at least five years, and one of the following conditions is met:

Non-qualified distributions

Non-qualified distributions occur when you withdraw earnings before meeting the five-year rule and other qualifying conditions. These withdrawals are subject to taxes and a 10% penalty on the earnings portion.

Video: Roth IRA 5-Year Seasoning Rule

What are the contribution and income limits for Roth IRAs?

For 2024, the maximum contribution limit to a Roth IRA is $7,000, or $8,000 if you are 50 or older. However, your ability to contribute depends on your modified adjusted gross income (MAGI). The contribution limit phases out at higher income levels:

  • Single filers: Phase-out range is $146,000 to $161,000.
  • Married filing jointly: Phase-out range is $230,000 to $240,000.

You can learn more on our chart detailing 2024 contribution and income limits.

How does a Roth conversion affect the 5-Year Rule?

When completing a Roth conversion – moving from a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA – the converted funds must also adhere to the five-year rule. Each conversion starts its own five-year clock. This means if you convert funds in 2024, those converted funds cannot be withdrawn tax- and penalty-free until 2029, unless you meet the other qualifying criteria.

What are the penalties and taxes for early withdrawals?

If you withdraw funds from your Roth IRA before the five-year period ends and you are younger than 59½, you will typically owe taxes and a 10% early withdrawal penalty on the earnings portion. Contributions can still be withdrawn penalty-free at any time.

Are there exceptions to the Roth IRA 5-Year Rule?

Certain exceptions allow you to withdraw earnings without penalties, even if the five-year rule is not met:

  • First-time home purchase: Up to $10,000.
  • Qualified education expenses: For you, your spouse, children, or grandchildren.
  • Significant medical expenses: If they exceed a certain percentage of your adjusted gross income.
  • Disability: If you become disabled.

How do inherited Roth IRAs work?

If you inherit a Roth IRA, the five-year rule may still apply to earnings withdrawals. Beneficiaries can generally withdraw contributions tax- and penalty-free at any time. If the original owner had not satisfied the five-year rule, the beneficiary must wait until the period is met to withdraw earnings tax-free.

While waiting for the five-year period to end, can you use the money in your Roth IRA for investments?

Whether it’s in stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, or maybe you have an Equity Trust account and you’re investing in alternative assets like real estate, rentals, rehabs, wholesaling, private company investments, or gold and silver, cryptocurrency, or another alternative investment option, you may use those funds to invest at any time.

Yes, you must keep the money in your Roth IRA for five years, but you can continue to invest that money into those alternative or traditional investments. You just must keep all the assets in the account for five years before you start taking money out to avoid the IRS penalties and taxes.

Understanding the Roth IRA 5-Year Rule

Understanding the Roth IRA five-year rule is crucial for effective retirement planning. By knowing when you can withdraw your contributions and earnings tax- and penalty-free, you can better manage your retirement funds and avoid unnecessary penalties. Make sure to consider the contribution limits, conversion rules, and exceptions to ensure you maximize the benefits of your Roth IRA.


Can I transfer funds from a previously established retirement plan into an Equity Trust self-directed IRA?

It is possible to transfer funds from an IRA you hold at another custodian or a retirement plan from a prior employer, provided the tax environments are the same. A traditional IRA held by another custodian needs to have its funds transferred to a traditional IRA. A Roth IRA needs to have its funds moved to a Roth IRA. Our retirement account specialists can help you determine what type of account you need to open at Equity Trust to move your funds in an approved manner.


When I roll over funds from an employer-sponsored or qualified retirement plan, do they need to go directly into a traditional IRA?

No. Per IRS guidelines, rollovers from a qualified plan can be rolled over into a traditional or Roth IRA. If the rollover is made directly to the Roth IRA, the transferred amount is subject to income taxation but avoids the 10-percent early distribution penalty. You should consult with your plan administrator regarding the permissible withdrawal options allowed under the tax-qualified plan.

Self-Directed Investing Rules and Regulations Explained Course

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